Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lunchtime workouts build everyday fitness

Workout during a weekday lunch-break? It sounds too hard. Not only is it a mad rush to get changed but coming back to the office all hot and sweaty and having to shower before settling back into work for the afternoon seems like it would take all the fun out of the exercise.

But there are easy ways to build fitness into your weekday life, says personal trainer Lee-Anne Wann.

A workout doesn't have to take long - Lee-Anne says 45 minutes is ample. And if 45 minutes is too much, there are still lots of ways to get the maximum impact in a shorter timeframe. Lee-Anne says the key principles are to work as much of your body as possible, burning as many calories and as much fat as you can in the time you have. This can be done by working the big muscles, such as the thighs, chest and back.

"Bigger muscles require more calories, so you burn more fat. And when you work big muscles, you work the smaller muscles at the same time."

Lee-Anne also recommends switching between exercises which work the upper and the lower body. Moving from squats to shoulder presses, for example, flushes the blood around the body, forcing it to work harder.

For the really time-poor, she suggests a 20-minute interval training session.

Either on a cardio machine, or running, go as hard as you can for one minute, then more slowly for one minute. Alternating like this for 20 minutes will burn a lot of calories. Twenty minutes is the maximum length of time that kind of session will be effective. The work is out of the fat-burning zone, but boosts the metabolism so much that extra calories are burnt for anywhere between 12 to 20 hours afterwards.

Lee-Anne warns that it is not a good idea to do such an intense workout late in the day, because it will prompt too much of an energy burst. The increased calorie-burning also stops when you go to sleep.

Keep in mind that doing anything is better than doing nothing. And accumulated exercise is as effective as working out in one hit, so an option is to aim for a 10-minute walk before work, another at lunchtime and a third after work.

As well as being good for your fitness and fat-burning, working out at lunchtime gets rid of the afternoon crash. "It will stop you wanting junk food at 3pm," says Lee-Anne.

Working it out

Burning calories doesn't have to be sweaty work. Check the list below:

* 30 mins weight training: 100 calories*

* 30 mins skipping: 370 calories

* 30 mins boxing: 450 calories

* 30 mins food shopping: 130 calories

* 30 mins standing: 72 calories

* 30 mins walking upstairs: 450 calories

* Sounds low compared to standing still for half an hour doesn't it? Lee-Anne says this is because 30 minutes of weight training is broken up into bits, with rests in between. Standing requires unbroken effort by many muscle groups.

By Susan Edmunds

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Max your 2-mile run test by training for a 5K race

Many churches and charity organizations across the country are starting to hold 5K runs. For example, every year, I participate in the Ron Winans Heart of Champions 5K Run in Detroit. It is an enjoyable and unforgettable weekend. Each year Pastor Marvin Winans of Perfecting Church gives his red carpet treatment all weekend long.

The run is a blast and well over 700 people participate. The course at Detroit’s Belle Isle Park is very scenic and challenging. Jogging adds more years to your life and adds more life to your years!

This brings me to my next point. I urge you to participate in a 5K run in your area. It will improve your 2-mile run time. These runs are very popular and you will find that there is one held every weekend somewhere nearby.

Here are five benefits in getting involved and training for a 5K:

1. It will help with weight loss, fighting aging and disease, and with generally staying healthy, Plus improve your 2-mile run time.

2. It will give you confidence and build character. It will also relieve stress and boost your attitude.

3. It will allow you to enjoy the outdoors and create a release of endorphins that can cause euphoria (runner’s high), or just a general sense of happiness.

4. You will have a blast and experience a sense of accomplishment.

5. You will benefit a church, the community and its culture.

Training for a marathon or a triathlon is great, but it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and most importantly, a lot of time. If you are like most people, your time is very valuable, but at the same time working out and exercising is very important. That is why I suggest that you train for a 5K run.

Here are three reasons why I love training for a 5K race:

1. It does not take up a lot of your time - you run an average of only 13.5 miles per week.

2. It is less taxing on your body – It takes me a long time to recover after running a marathon. I can recover from a 5K in a day or two.

3. It is a way to track your progress – You can try to improve your time during every race.

If you follow a good 5K training program, I strongly feel you will be able to complete your first 5K and be clocked at a competitive time within eight weeks.

Are you ready to get started? I hope you are excited. Training for a 5K will give you confidence and character. It will also relieve the stress and boost your attitude. Get off to a running start!

Free Tip….Want learn how to train for a 5K race? Go to, click on my blog and enter the word 5K in the search box.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10 ways to combat heatlhy foods costing you an arm and a leg

Ramen noodles may be cheap, but they sure don’t offer much in the way of nutrition. In fact, it seems that all the affordable foods in the grocery store are pretty bad for you. However, there are ways to maintain a healthy diet for less. It takes some commitment and a little creative cooking, but the 10 tips below should help you out.

1.Stretch Your Meat – If you are indeed a carnivore, then you know how expensive meat can be. However, you can stretch your poultry and beef out by using healthy fillers like tofu and grains.

2.Make a Shopping List – By planning meals ahead of time and sticking to a shopping list, you will avoid any unnecessary (and unhealthy) impulse purchases.

3.Avoid Processed Foods – Starting with raw materials is not only cheaper, it will cut many preservatives and additives out of your diet. This can only improve your mental and physical well-being.

4.Drink Only Water – Your soda/coffee/juice/alcohol dependency isn’t doing your wallet or your body any favors. Water is the only liquid you will ever need to drink. So, put a filter on your tap and drink without guilt.

5.Buy In-Season Produce – A seasonal produce chart may help you do determine what will be cheapest at the store right now. Buying your favorite fruits and vegetables during the off-season can really cost you some major dough.

6.Shop at the Farmer’s Market – Are you paying gouged prices at your local health food store when you could be getting your food direct from local growers? Check out the local farmer’s market before heading to the grocery store.

7.Know Your Healthy, Cheap Staples – These include oatmeal, beans and rice. Foods that are filling, inexpensive and healthy should always be readily stocked in the kitchen.

8.Start a Vegetable Garden – Growing your own food is not only a cheap alternative, but also it offers many physical and mental benefits. Gardening is great exercise and helps to reduce stress, so there are many reasons to take up the hobby.

9.Avoid the Drive-Thru – When trying to save money and your life, the drive-thru can be your worst enemy. Dollar menus exist, but they are usually filled with deep-fried horrors. If you can find a 99 cent baked potato, however, knock yourself out.

10.Clip Coupons – This is an obvious way to save some money on food. However, be sure to only save coupons for healthy foods, no matter how much those Oreos are marked down.

Believe it or not, there are actually healthy foods that won’t cost an arm and a leg. You should also consider the ways you indirectly save money by eating well. Being healthy means having a higher immunity and making fewer trips to the doctor, for example. Whatever the reasons for making wiser decisions in your diet, you don’t have to spend a fortune at the local health food store to do it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Are you ready to burn up to 1500 calories an hour?

Do you want to work your entire body in just a handful of moves?
Would you like to see a toned, strong bum and a slimmer waist in a matter of weeks?

Good, because the kettlebell will do just this and more.

Many of my PT clients have already experienced the power of this iron cannonball on a handle, but I've barely scratched the surface of what this instrument of fat burning can really do... yet...

Right now, the kettlebell is the talk of Tinseltown. Current devotees include Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz and Jennifer Anniston, to name but a few.

This Russian bell of iron offers every woman and man the perfect workout; high calorie burning without the fear of bulking up - Perfect! What's more, it builds power, strength and an atheltic physique.

Right now I'm using the kettlebell more and more in my own training program and I have to say that dumbbells are starting to gather dust in my workouts. What I love about the kettlebell is that it's challenging, it hits your whole body with every move and you don't need to go heavy to see good results.

Because you're moving the weight around or swinging it, the whole body has to work hard to move and stabilise it, which means a core workout that tones your midsection in record time and forces you to concentrate on each exercise.

And the best part? With a kettlebell at home you can burn an impressive number of calories and go to town on your bum and your tummy in as little as 10 minutes a day!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Become movement minded!

You should make the commitment to get into the best shape of your life in order to live up to the values of the Army, but so few follow through with that commitment. Why do so many soldiers overlook exercise and become sadly out-of-shape? While many have different excuses, the most popular excuse for not working out is: “I’m too busy.” As an entrepreneur, I know how difficult it can be to fit a regular workout routine into a full schedule. Yet, without a consistent workout program, you may not have the energy to keep up with your responsibilities, and by working out now, you will have more energy later. But really and truly it all comes down to YOU. You’ve got to move your body. It is not intended for us to live an unhealthy life. It is intended for us to live and enjoy life to the fullest.

Your body was created for you to be productive. But if you are lazy, if you lack exercise and if you don’t live an active life, then your body and health just go downhill. Generally, people know staying fit is the best thing to do for your body, but most are looking for the magic way.

Clients ask me all the time about a certain new exercise gadget that they saw on TV. I always tell them all those things can be great, but there’s nothing magical about it. It is very important that you don’t waste your money and just let it sit there collecting dust. The sad part is, most people are going to buy those gadgets on an emotional whim and then they’re going to do nothing with it.

I encourage you to be movement minded. Every day do something to move your body, whether it’s playing with the kids, cutting the grass, or training for a marathon. Becoming movement minded is the main thing, and it must become a lifelong mindset.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Use Bodyweight Training for your next APFT

Bodyweight training is the oldest training known to mankind. You use only the weight of your own body as resistance to do such exercises as sit-ups, pushups, jumping jacks, squat thrusts and the high knee drill, just to name a few. There are three benefits that I love about bodyweight training. Body-weight training can be done anywhere. Bodyweight training is great when you are short on time and need to get a quick 10-15 minute workout in, and when you go on vacation and the hotel doesn’t have a gym... no problem, your hotel room will do.

Bodyweight calisthenics can be done anytime... day or night. You can start your morning off with a quick, energizing bodyweight workout by knocking out 25 quick pushups as soon as you get out of bed. Or, you can end a stressful day at work or school on a positive note with a 25 quick sit-ups and a hot shower before bed. No or very little equipment is needed. For many bodyweight exercises, you simply use the resistance of your own bodyweight. In fact, most fitness testing consists of pushups, sit-ups and running, and is designed to quickly gauge your general fitness level and to act as a benchmark for future testing. Simply put, the fitness test shows you your current fitness level and shows you the fitness level you should be at.

I have created The Express Bodyweight Workout. You can start The Express Bodyweight Workout right away and the faster you start, the faster you can start seeing and feeling the benefits that are listed above.

The Express Bodyweight Workout consists of three exercises – jumping jacks, pushups and squat thrusts. You do a circuit of five reps for each exercise for five minute. Perform The Express Bodyweight Workout twice.

Jumping Jacks – 5 Reps - Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your side. In one motion, jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms rise out and up over your head. Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat.

Push Ups – 5 Reps - Lie face down on the floor with hands palm down, fingers pointing straight ahead, and aligned at the nipple line. Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width, and feet should be at hip width with toes on floor. Start position: Extend the elbows and raise the body off the floor. Lower your entire body four to eight inches from the floor. Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up.

Squat Thrust – 5 Reps - From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a pushup position, and jump back up again as fast as possible. Repeat for the required repetitions.

One more thing about bodyweight training is that the entire body has to work as one and you will activate the use of more muscles, and this will burn more fat.