Bodyweight training is the oldest training known to mankind. You use only the weight of your own body as resistance to do such exercises as sit-ups, pushups, jumping jacks, squat thrusts and the high knee drill, just to name a few. There are three benefits that I love about bodyweight training. Body-weight training can be done anywhere. Bodyweight training is great when you are short on time and need to get a quick 10-15 minute workout in, and when you go on vacation and the hotel doesn’t have a gym... no problem, your hotel room will do.
Bodyweight calisthenics can be done anytime... day or night. You can start your morning off with a quick, energizing bodyweight workout by knocking out 25 quick pushups as soon as you get out of bed. Or, you can end a stressful day at work or school on a positive note with a 25 quick sit-ups and a hot shower before bed. No or very little equipment is needed. For many bodyweight exercises, you simply use the resistance of your own bodyweight. In fact, most fitness testing consists of pushups, sit-ups and running, and is designed to quickly gauge your general fitness level and to act as a benchmark for future testing. Simply put, the fitness test shows you your current fitness level and shows you the fitness level you should be at.
I have created The Express Bodyweight Workout. You can start The Express Bodyweight Workout right away and the faster you start, the faster you can start seeing and feeling the benefits that are listed above.
The Express Bodyweight Workout consists of three exercises – jumping jacks, pushups and squat thrusts. You do a circuit of five reps for each exercise for five minute. Perform The Express Bodyweight Workout twice.
Jumping Jacks – 5 Reps - Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your side. In one motion, jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms rise out and up over your head. Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat.
Push Ups – 5 Reps - Lie face down on the floor with hands palm down, fingers pointing straight ahead, and aligned at the nipple line. Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width, and feet should be at hip width with toes on floor. Start position: Extend the elbows and raise the body off the floor. Lower your entire body four to eight inches from the floor. Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up.
Squat Thrust – 5 Reps - From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a pushup position, and jump back up again as fast as possible. Repeat for the required repetitions.
One more thing about bodyweight training is that the entire body has to work as one and you will activate the use of more muscles, and this will burn more fat.
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